30 min Soulful Sunday Ride with Morgan
New Releases
Let's go to church. Energize with Aretha Franklin, Mahalia Jackson, Boyz 2 Men and other soulful artist as you climb, sprint and push your way through. Come rediscover those songs that made Harlem's Apollo the best spot in town.
Up Next in New Releases
15 min Mobility Practice with Shaun
Spend 15 mins opening you hips, shoulders and back with this quick mobility workout.
15 min Harlem Sculpt with Morgan
This class is a combination of sweat and good vibes with a focus on strengthening and toning. Grab a set of weights and let's get started. No weights, no problem. Grab cans, water bottles, laundry detergent or any household item that has a bit of weight to it.
15 min Strength with Leah
A total body, heart pumping, aerobic and strength conditioning workout. This interval-based class combines full-body strength training with high intensity cardio bursts designed to tone your body, improve your endurance and clear your mind.